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Beatrice Quintanilla

Certified Consultant

(323) 316-7907

My Story

Hi there... My name is Beatrice and I would like to welcome you to my website and thank you in advanced. I joined Scentsy on August 2017. My husband was the one that connected me with my NOW Director. I remember ordering my very first warmer the Tea Rose Mini Warmer and the Berry of Paradise Scentsy Bar. A soon as it arrived I opened the package and remember instantly falling in LOVE with the product. Since then I have been addicted to Scentsy.
I thought about joining but was hesitant to join since I had never had any experience in sales in my life, after a month of thinking about it I decided to JOIN, I thought to myself what do I have to lose. Till this day I have no regrets and it has been one of the BEST decisions I have made. It has giving me a great opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Best part of it is that you join our BIG Scentsy family and have the chance to earn AWESOME incentive trips. Ready to JOIN? Contact me for more information.

Once again Thank you!!

What's warming in my home